Get the latest World database 16-17 (see with JJacq) South Africa ( Integrated - 1 division) Netherlands ( Integrated - 2 divisions)

Faroe Islands ( Integrated - 1 division) Turkey ( To do) - Updated version performed Switzerland ( To do) - Updated version performed Spain ( To do) - Updated version performed Portugal ( To do) - Updated version performed Italy ( To do) - Updated version performed Austria ( To do) - Updated version performed Integrated : The DB has been integrated and will be made available in the next Update#. Handed : The DB was handed over for corrections / integration into the global database. In progress : the realization of DB is started. Foreseen : One person applied, but the work did not begin. All countries are not present of course, and if a country you wish to do is not in this list, it will be added. In order to know what has been done or needs to be done, the list below, regularly updated here, identifies countries, either made or deserved to be done, for the greater Well of all. Those who want to participate in FIFA Manager by performing DB for a country may be known here, they will of course be supported in their task.

Always keep in mind that FIFA Manager is above all a "World Database", and that it manages the contents of the latter in its own way. For some, this will only give an overview of how DBs are performed, but for others who would like to create a DB and propose it for integration into FIFA Manager, they are basic tools for a successful DB, and which sees its possible integration in the World Database, because respecting certain fundamental principles.

In this Topic, you will find all it takes to make a DB perfectly integrable in the World Database of FIFA Manager 16-17.